Dengan memanfaatkan jasa professional floor coating / pengecatan lantai epoxy untuk pabrik, gudang, kantor, bengkel, garasi dll, tampilan lantai beton / concrete pada gudang, pabrik, kantor akan lebih bersih dan mudah pemeliharaannya.
Produk cat lantai epoxy self leveling yang tepat dan cara aplikasi yang benar menggunakan jasa pengecatan epoxy flooring professional akan memberikan penampilan lantai yang bagus dan tahan lama.
Selain beton, cat lantai epoxy dapat pula diaplikasikan di atas keramik sehingga anda tidak perlu repot membongkar keramik. Dengan epoxy flooring, lantai bebas sambungan atau tanpa nat seperti yang biasa dijumpai pada lantai keramik. Selain itu Cat Epoxy Lantai juga dapat mencegah terjadinya rembesan air atau kontaminan yang lain sehingga akan menjaga lantai Anda tetap aman dan tahan lama.
Untuk harga jasa pengecatan epoxy flooring tergantung pada tebal cat epoxy lantai yang diaplikasikan, kondisi lantai, luas lantai dan lokasi pengecatan. Lantai yang rusak perlu diperbaiki dulu sebelum cat epoksi diaplikasikan.
By utilizing the services of professional floor coating / painting epoxy flooring for factories, warehouses, offices, workshops, garages, etc., see the concrete floor / concrete in warehouses, factories, offices will be cleaner and easier to maintain.
Product self-leveling epoxy floor paint proper and correct way of application using epoxy flooring professional painting services will give the floor looks nice and durable.
In addition to concrete, epoxy floor paint can also be applied on the ceramic so that you do not have to bother to unpack ceramics. With epoxy flooring, floor connection free or without grout as it is commonly found in floor tiles. In addition Epoxy Floor Paint can also prevent seepage of water or other contaminants that will keep your floors safe and durable.
For the price of painting services depend on a thick epoxy flooring epoxy floor paint is applied, the condition of the floor, floor area and location of the painting. Damaged floor needs to be fixed first before the epoxy paint is applied.